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Selasa, 18 Januari 2011
Living With God’s Names: Al-Mu’min
Know that Allah’s beautiful names are all suitable for ta’alluq (attachment, relationship), takhalluq (adoption, appropriation, cultivation), and tahaqquq (realization).
As for ta’alluq: it is seeking for that name’s meaning to happen.
As for takhalluq: it is striving in the works that bring about this meaning.
And tahaqquq: is its happening and taking root in the heart until it takes hold of it, and does not leave it most of the times.
It has been said, “the musaddiq (verifier of the truthfulness) of His messenges with miracles”, and it has been said, “the One who secures His servants from the Great Fright, or His placing in them a sense of security and reassurance.”
And the Proof of Islam [Abu Hamid al-Ghazali] said: No security in the world comes except through causes that He alone creates and guides to their use, therefore He is the Absolute cause of safety.
And ta’alluq to it, according to the first meaning: To ask Him to give you belief in Him, and in His promises and threats, and His prophets and messengers, and His awliya.
And according to the second meaning: To ask from Him safety from His dissatisfaction by the achievement of true repentance, and correct manners, by conformity to the Sunna, and the abandonment of innovations.
And takhalluq according to it: is for your truthfulness to increase, for your faith to strength so that no doubts mix with it, or false beliefs, and that no worry or comes to it, and that all of creation feel safe from you, for his saying, peace be upon him, “I swear by Allah that he does not believe…he from whom his neighbor feels no security,” and to believe all those who want to give you advice and tell you that in which you will find your righteousness and right guidance.
And tahaqquq with it: that the light of certainty shines in your heart, so that the hereafter is too close to you for you to leave for it, and to see this world with the eclipse of perishing apparent on it, and that which was unseen to you becomes witnessed, and that which was to come becomes now, and that your sidq (honesty) is so great that you believe in what is normally impossible.
It has been related that sayyidna Isa , upon our prophet and upon him be peace and blessings, saw a man stealing, so he said, “you have stolen, oh so-and-so?”, so he said, “No, by Allah I did not steal, oh spirit of Allah”, so Isa peace be upon him said, “I believe in Allah and disbelieve in my eyes.”
So if your honesty is realized, and you are firmly established in it, you are written down with Allah as one of the siddiqeen (the verifiers), the muqarrabeen (those brought near), may Allah raise us among them (on the Day of Judgment), Amen.
[the end]
Note: sidq means truthfulness, honesty, sincerity, and faithfulness. Thus it carries a meaning that goes both ways: it is both the quality of being truthful and of believing in the truthfulness of others. A siddique is someone who is both truthful and verifies the truth of something (the prophet, Allah, etc). Thus the name al-Mu’min is closely tied to the word sidq, because he who has the quality of mu’min is truthful,has faith in Allah, and believes those who give him good counsel or advice. That is why the first meaning mentioned above for Allah’s name al-Mu’min is al-musaddiq for His messengers with miracles, meaning: the one who show their truthfulness. That is why Ibn Ajiba says that he who has great honesty will more easily believe what may sound miraculous or impossible, as if both qualities come from the same essence.
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